Scientific and Advisory Council at CIS ATC (SAC) was founded by the decision of the Council of the Heads of Security Agencies and Special Services of the CIS member-states as of May 16, 2002.
SAC mission is to assist the CIS competent authorities in improving scientific support in the field of counter-terrorism and counter-extremism.
For this purpose, the SAC:
reviews burning theoretical and practical issues of the scientific support of the competent authorities’ activity;
makes proposals on:
- elaborating topical lines and themes of scientific researches;
- improvement of scientific support of activity of the competent authorities, including within the framework of work of the CIS Basic organization for researching problems of countering terrorism and other manifestations of extremism;
promotes best practices of the scientific support of activity of the competent authorities;
participates in preparation of:
- scientific publications (editing);
- agreed assessment of terrorist and extremist threats in the CIS area, concept and program documents of the CIS:
- CIS ATC newsletter and its editing;
- draft model laws and other legal acts of the CIS and their expert review.
The SAC currently is composed of the representatives of: the competent authorities of
8 Commonwealth states, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Tajikistan;
7 CIS bodies, including Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly, Council of the Commanders of the Border Troops, Coordinating Council of Prosecutor Generals, Council of the Heads of Financial Intelligence Units, Council of the Defense Ministers, Office for Coordination of Fight on Organized Crime and other Dangerous Types of Crime, Anti-Terrorism Center;
6 research institutions, including Academy of Military Science, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Science, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Russian State Linguistic University, Russian University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, Research Institute of CIS Security Problems).
Currently 8 doctors of science and 11 candidates of science in the field of law, history, philosophy and politics are members of the Council. SAC meetings are normally held twice a year.
The meetings result in adoption of outcome documents, collections of writings, recommendations, methodological guides, which are further used in practice of the competent authorities as well as in educational process of the departmental higher education institutions of the Commonwealth states.